Aldermaston History Group
Annual General Meeting 6 November 2019, 7.30pm, Officers Mess, Hinds Head, Aldermaston
Present: Peter and Natalie Brown, Chris Newman, Cynthia Newman, Dave Shirt, Teresa Thomas, Peter Hulme, Beth Ashbury. Janice Dallison, Tony Girling, James Spackman, Pat and Steve Owen, Julia Cox,
Apologies: Lynda and Stephen Mead, Cathy Jones, Ange Boot, Angela Shirt, Jean Chapman
- Minutes of the Founding Meeting 7 February 2018
All agreed and matters dealt with through the year. The founding meeting was very much around setting and agreeing our purpose and consistitution.
- Matters arising
- None.
- Treasurer’s Report
- Simple accounts, with 7 transactions.
- Cash in bank: £1,473.47
- Heritage Fund grant and donations.
- Audited by R. Ebrey
- Financially head above water but need to do something.
- Secretary Report
- Update provided on the year:
- Five committee meetings held and 5 quarterly meetings held.
- Involvement in 2 Heritage Open Days, plus an exhibition on the armistice.
- Currently 56 people on the mailing list and 89 Facebook page followers.
- Chairman’s Report
- Update on meetings held, objective to make history live and interesting
- Ambitious remit, applied for the heritage programme for a grant, got a grant to create and run a website, training to run the website, training from oral history.
- List of objectives, collections on line, four oral histories to get those on.
- Stuff to do, commissioned a specialist company called community sites to develop and build site, went live September 2019
- Commitment to Populate the site with additional material
- Thanks to committee members for sharing expertise and materials.
- Thanks in relation to the national lottery
- For all ages in all walks of life, make history interesting.
- Annual Subscriptions:
- Provide financial stability to the group
- To build funds to keep website running for several years – 3 years to £100
- To cover administration fees, public liability
- To cover small ad hoc expenditure
- To cover fees to Associations – Berkshire Local History association, free 6 months then £18 per year.
- Budget – see breakdown, which shows potential profit £46.81.
- Decision as to whether to join British Local History Society, which is £75 but includes public liability insurance.
- Budget based on getting 40 people to join.
- Recognise first two years paid already.
- Membership benefits:
- Propose membership fee of £15
- Supporting the legacy of the History Group
- Free entry to all meetings
- Priority for entry with restricted members
- AGM voting rights
- Proposed meeting entry charge – non members £5, members free of charge. Approved.
- Proposal of free first meeting, then if want to come to future meetings then would join.
- Potential for public liability –Beth Asbury to provide feedback
- Vote for subscription: All agreed, with one abstention
- Payment – cheque to Aldermaston History Group, cash, bank transfer, annual standing order, will be sent out with the minutes. Details to circulate with the minutes.
- Questions:
- Potential for charity status, which is not being considered at this stge.
- What people receive for their membership – Variety of events, fund raising, social element.
- Provide financial stability to the group
- Election of officers and committee
All willing to stand again.
Peter Brown willing to stand, details provided.
Vote and all agreed.
- Lock up, some repair being explored.
- Update on projects
- Oral history – training completed with good feedback. Recording of 4 sessions.
- Website – still building content, show how to put on, or get material to the committee who will put on the website.
- Working with other groups including schools
- £200 of funds left from the lottery grant
- £300 left in the account
- Candle Auction – display