Aldermaston History Group
Annual General Meeting
2 November 2022
The Officers Mess, The Hinds Head, Aldermaston
Present: Peter Brown, Peter Hulme, Chris Boott, Jean Chapman, Julia Cox, Chris & Cynthia Newman, Michael Newman, Cathy Jones, David Hard, Clare Bruton, Dave & Angela Shirt, Graham Hawker.
Apologies: Viv and Sue Phillips , Ange Boott, Karen Dignan, Richard Moseley, Lynda and Steve Mead.
- Minutes of the Meeting 3 November 2021
All agreed and matters dealt with through the year.
- Matters arising
- None.
- Treasurer’s Report
- Dave Shirt presented an Income Statement for the year and a Balance Sheet.
- Profit on year £590.64. Balance carried forward is £1158.37
- £700 one-off donation from AWE
- Accounts reviewed by R. Ebrey for which he was thanked.
- Julia Cox suggested boosting funds by seeking donations from local businesses.
- Secretary’s Report
- Update provided on the year:
- Two committee meetings held and 3 quarterly meetings held.
- Currently 74 people on the mailing list and 191 Facebook page followers.
- Chair’s Report
- Update on talks over the year
- Grant received from AWE, resulting in sound financial position at year end
- Continuing upward trend recorded in website visits and sessions.
- Development of Members’ area website by Chris Boott
- Thanks to committee members for sharing expertise and materials.
- Presence in Aldermaston and Wasing Show Community gazebo; Heritage Open Days participation cancelled following the death of Queen Elizabeth II.
- AHG members involved in Conservation Area Appraisal. Appraisal submitted to West Berkshire Council in January 2022, currently awaiting response from WBC.
- Oral history recording completed with Denis Carter, facilitated by Jean Chapman.
- There was a brief discussion on Conservation Area Reviews and the history of the A340 and its designations.
- Annual Subscriptions:
- Meeting was reminded that 2022/23 subscription were due by end of the year and that they had increased to £20 as agreed at the last AGM
- Election of officers and committee
Jean Chapman stood down from the committee and was thanked warmly for her contributions. All 8 remaining committee members were willing to stand again.
Vote and all agreed.
- None.